Effective measures for the control of parasites in the human body

You know that it is a medium that is effective against parasites, you should each and every one, for those who have it, is that 95% of the population of the Earth. There are more than 2,000 species of pests, so that they can live in the human body. They can be found not only in the digestive system, and of all the organs: lungs, liver, brain, and blood. Its size from the microscopic up to several hundred feet away from us, but they all bring with them lots of harm to your health. Sometimes, to get rid of worms, the need for a surgical procedure, with nearly 80% of all chronic disease is caused by the existence of parasites in your body. They are a cause of bronchial asthma, allergies, psoriasis, an inflammation of the joints and other illnesses that people are going to cure you of the passing of the years. And it's just enough to get rid of all of their stakeholders.

hookworm infection,

Home remedies against pests

There are a lot of remedies which are designed for the control of pests. This is aimed directly at the elimination of vermin, as well as in the recovery of the functioning of the body, without any evil influence. Many of the plants that have strong properties against the parasite. These include garlic, walnut, onion, pomegranate, pumpkin seed, st. john's wort, artemisia, ginger root, tansy, thyme, clove. They are fatal to the worms, adult and larvae. In treating worms, as well the help of ginger

Revenue-an effective treatment for the removal of the parasites:

  1. The garlic kefir – 10 cloves garlic, peeled you need to swallow non-liquid, and drizzled with the yogurt. The procedure is carried out only once, on an empty stomach. A week or so later, you can repeat it.
  2. The onion-infused – to-clean, and grind them with a little onion, then pour in 1 cup of boiling water. To insist night, chime the fast and drink the juice.
  3. The infusion of the prisoner – 1-2 tsp of the leaves of artemisia bitter and insist on it for hours and hours, in 1 cup of boiling water. Received in the form of taken on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening, about a half of a cup. The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 days.
  4. Sbiten – detoxifies the body against parasites, toxins and strengthens the immune system. To prepare 1 cup of honey, and dissolve it in 1 liter of water, and then simmer for about 20 minutes. Add the cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, bay leaf) 1 tsp of tea, and then boil for 5 minutes. Strain the broth and drink it hot before going to bed. The course of treatment for 7-12 days.

The color of a walnut shell – crushed shell-of-15 from the nuts, poured in 0.5 l of alcohol. The infusion is made in the course of 30 days, and in the light. The layout of the reception, this is the following:

  • 1 day drink 1 drop is diluted in 100 ml of water.
  • Day 2 – 2 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • Day 3 – 3 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • Day 4 – 4 drops in 100 ml of water.
  • Day 5: 5 drops in 100ml of water.
  • Day 6 – just 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of water.
  • 7-11-day – 2 teaspoons of tea in 50 ml of water, twice a day.

To pass a course is full, you will need all of the rest of the world, throughout the year, to consume 2 teaspoons of this tincture, diluted in 50 ml of water. The drunken tool on an empty stomach, and not. The dust in the planet – with dried fruits or mature leaves of artemisia mashed into a powder. Accept 1 time a day before the meal in such a deal

  • Day 1 – 1 scoop;
  • - Day 2 – 1/4 tsp;
  • Day 3 – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Day 4 – 1/2 a teaspoon.

In the dust of the planet has a devastating impact on the non-commercial

Method of application

The dose is gradually increased up to 14 days of intake to 1/2 a tablespoon or so of powder. You need about 6 days to drink 1/2 a scoop of powder a day, and then eat the same quantity of the powder 1 time per week. The tool will need to wash it with water.

The seeds of the carnation, crushed to the consistency of powder. They are taken three times a day before meals, at such a rate:

  • The 1-day – 1 / 5th of a teaspoon;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 of a teaspoon;
  • 3-10 day out – of-use 1/3 of a teaspoon.
  • 10th day – 1 spoon of tea once in a week.

All of the components of the triad, preferably consumed at the same time. Thus, it will be possible to achieve the maximum results. Natural remedies against parasites that are accepted without a doctor's prescription, but it is necessary to respect the dose and duration of treatment. From the seeds of the nail can be made into a powder


Classification of the parasites

Depending on the parasitism and biology of abdominal worms are divided into different types.

The species of the parasite:

Roundworms (ancilostomídeos) – show the rounded shape of the body and on the cut-off. The most common type of parasites that live on and in all stages of development to become the only in the body of a man. Between the 24 000 species of these parasites, the most common of these are:

Hookworm infection, the most common type of parasite

  • The guinea-worm to reach the length of 45 cm. They live in the small intestine and feed off of scraps of food. Poisoning of the body, where the toxins in the blood. They live for up to 14 months. Infection – wash-hand product.
  • Pinworms length does not exceed 1 cm. They live in thick and a small intestine. They are very easy to get infected when they come into contact with the carrier, by household objects. They live for 1 to 2 months. Respect, free from interference of this kind is easy to get rid of it.
  • The genus meloidogyne worms, the length of about 3 to 4 inches, they dig in to the mucous membrane of the blind, and colon cancer. They suck your blood. Throughout his life, releasing a large amount of toxins. They live for up to 5 years of age or older. - Infection through hand-washing products.
  • Trichina in length, it reaches about 3-4 mm in diameter. These parasites can be located in some areas of the bank. They are penetrating in a groove of the muscles of the respiratory tract, eyes, and heart. They live for several years. Getting it can be a raw meat of a pig.

The first 3 types of parasites are effectively treated with medications. Enough-to-drink, corresponding to the drug. Trichinosis is treated in a staged manner: drugs are disposed of only adult worms; the larvae, which are found in the muscles, and to kill, it is not possible. Flatworms (cestodes), has the body of a flat shape, and is divided into segments. They have suction cups, by which they are attached to the mucous membrane in the belly. You can reach out to 18-feet in length. "A time will necessarily pass into the body of the middleware of the master's degree. The most common types of worms in this group are:

The tape-worm usually gets together and it is one of the longest parasites

  • The high-tapeworm – in length reaches up to 10 m. it Lives in the intestine, which attaches to the wall. Contract may be made by any of the meat.
  • The pork tapeworm, you will reach the 2 m of length. Getting it can be a raw meat of a pig.
  • A dwarf tapeworm – it reaches a length of 3 to 5 inches, and is then passed on to the only way to that is through the washing of the hands.
  • In a large, cosmopolitan at 6 to 15 m in length. Contract may be of one flesh, of fish, of fresh water, and if using it raw.
  • Echinococcus – a dangerous parasite to get what it can be for both cats and dogs. Coming in a human body, the larvae develop very quickly, that the current of the blood to the various authorities, and to form the echinococcosis cyst, and that it will be possible to remove it surgically.

Trematty them out flat and wide on the body and can reach a length of 1.5 m. from the infection, through the flesh of the fish, and the fruits of the sea. Is located, may, in any part of the body: the middle ear, eyes, up setters of the ducts of the glands. They feed on the cells of the intestine, intestinal contents, mucus, drain away the blood. The main types are :

Trematty can be established in any part of the body

  • fasciolosis– grows up to 3 to 7 cm, and infests the gall-bladder. Contract you can, by using the plants in water, not boiling water.
  • Siberian ulcer flounder at 4-13 cm. long, and is located in the bile, bubbles, and pipelines.

Depending on the parasites, the organisms are divided into:

  • bowel, grow, and live only in the intestines;
  • extraintestinal through the blood-vessels are distributed in the different organs of the eye, the brain and the liver.

The types of malarial parasites, irrespective of the development of the resources:

  • Bio-helminths for the development of the parasites in this group is in need of a change of the various intermediate hosts. They may have become infected from the animals.
  • The Geo-helminths, must pass through the stage of maturation in the soil, or they are not able to infect humans.
  • Communicable diseases – types of the whole life cycle of the development, it may be in the body of a man.

Intestinal worms can be just in the gut

The most common types of worms – roundworm, pinworms tapeworm, broad Trichinella, a dwarf tapeworm, pork tapeworm.

The symptoms of parasites in your body:

  • The gnashing of the teeth during sleep.
  • Problems of the gastro-intestinal tract – diarrhea, constipation, flatulence.
  • Pain in the joints.
  • With the increase of temperature.
  • Disease-dermatological – eczema, rashes, and acne.
  • An allergic reaction.
  • In the red cells.
  • Weight issues – obesity or weight loss.
  • The sleep disorders.
  • Disturbances in the nervous system.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Respiratory – asthma, cough.
  • Dysfunction of the immune to it.
  • The swelling of the body, the face.

Signs that may indicate the presence of the parasite, are present after the infection, and after 2 to 4 weeks. The drastic change in weight (in either direction), you can speak about the emergence of a non-commercial

Process steps: how to get rid of the pests

To clear the body of worms, it is necessary to carry out the treatment in several ways:

  1. Preparation – to prepare the body for the elimination of parasites, and is in need of 2 to 3 days of consuming vegetable oils, such as flax seed or pumpkin carving. They will drink 1-2 tsp 15 minutes before every meal. As an alternative, oils can be used in drugs. This will remove all the toxins and all the substances that are formed as a result of the existence of a non-commercial.
  2. Refurbishment are tools that can help to restore the functioning of the body of a victim of intestinal worms.

In the treatment of parasites, it is necessary to respect the dose and the mode of taking the pills


To minimize the risk of infection by the parasite, it is important that you follow the following guidelines:

  • To comply strictly with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Minimize close contact with your pets.
  • Each of the 34 months in which to give pet medicine against the parasite.
  • Do not contact the straymand animals.
  • Make regular wet cleaning.
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat fish, flesh, and became a full heat treatment.
  • Do not drink untreated water straight from the tap.
  • 1 time (s) every six months, every member of the family to consume their media parasites.

The first symptoms of an infestation of pests, it is worthwhile to change the result. Based on the results, the doctor can choose the best environment for worms, which will enable you to get rid of them. This is a serious condition, so it is best to turn to a doctor's appointment. For the full course of treatment, you have to go through all of the members of the family.